Balance is key to whatever we decide to do in life, a
balanced way of life is organised to accommodate love, work, exercise,
It is important
to find a way to balance both our diet and physical activities, balancing work
from play and stressful activities.
When I speak
with people on the need for exercise, I get a very wide range of response from
I'm already thin why do I need to exercise,? to I do a lot of walking and
jumping around on daily basis and that should count for exercise. Sigh!
The English
dictionary defines exercise as: a physical activity intended to improve
strength and fitness.
Now based on
this definition, it means you can eat balanced meal every so often, Rest well
and work properly without still been fit or improve on the strength you draw
from these meals...
Exercise is not
only about body building and losing colestrol. It is also about being in
tip-top shape. Various exercise technique exist for various results. Either you
are looking to work your tummy muscles, burn cholesterol or general toning of
the body. Each form or series of exercises is useful to achieve certain level
of body fitness.
The usual advice is you know your body and schedule, you know your weaknesses and how far you are willing to push. Activities done under duress or stress cannot be termed as 'exercise' because these forms of activities are adrenaline driven and not usually useful in getting the desired result.
Speaking with
professional fitness experts would reveal that no set of exercise can be
strictly used by two persons, it is usually modified to suit the personal
health conditions, work/ life schedule, eating habits and affinity.
exercise is generally recommended to pump our adrenaline level (as against
using adrenaline to push fort an activity). It is required to help improve
blood circulation, keep us fit and alert, reduce cholesterol and tone our muscle
(depending on your needs).
I have
discovered that the most excuse given by working class city people is either
the traffic combined with the distance of their place of work from their homes
or the nature of their jobs. To this end I have decided to go on a personal
research of what kind of exercise people who fall in this category could
benefit from without completely disrupting their entire schedule or over
burdening themselves with barrages of activities.
General muscle
toning is mainly the first steps required to keep in tip-top shape. You can get
up early to do some activities even by your bed side for about 15minutes just
before you drop in the shower.
Exercises that
help you get the most out of every workout move, meant to build lean muscle
tone, fast include;
Split Squat
Stand with your
legs staggered, your left foot about two feet In front of your right
(a). Bend your
knees to lower your body until your left thigh is parallel and your shin is
perpendicular to the floor
(b). Straighten
your legs to return to start. Do five reps, then switch sides and repeat.

Incline Push up
Get into a push up position with your hands placed
slightly wider than your shoulders on a box, stool, dressing table or bench,
(a). Lower your
body until your chest nearly touches the surface
(b). Pause at
the bottom, and then push yourself back to start. Do as many reps as possible
until you can't maintain form or have to stop.
Lat Pull-Down
For those who have a Lat pull down in their homes. Sit at the lat pull-down station and grab the bar with an overhang grip that's slightly wider than your shoulders (a). Without moving your torso, pull the bar down to your chest, pulling your elbows toward the floor and your rib cage, and squeezing your shoulder blades at the bottom of the move
(b). Pause, then return to start. Do five reps.
Triceps Dip
Sit on the edge of a bench or chair with your knees bent and your feet on the floor in front of you. Place your palms face down next to your thighs and, keep your arms straight, scoot forward until your hips and butt are in front of the seat
(a). Bend your elbows to lower your hips until your
upper arms are parallel to the floor
(b). Push back to start. That's one rep. Do as many
reps as possible until you have to pause or can't maintain form.
No one is left behind in these short steps that can be
done before shower time. With only about 15minutes of work out that can be done
even by your bed side you don't have an excuse not to get into shape.
What are you waiting for? Let's get to it together and start living more healthy while keeping in a top tip shape.