It is almost always interesting to sometimes discover that what you thought/ imagined to be true could be as false for you as it can be for a whole population of people like yourself.
Sometimes last year I noticed a stubborn
rash on my arm that won’t go away. I initially thought it was dried skin and
would peel off. It didn’t. Then I decided to go on a personal cleansing routine
using fruits as my major diet for a whole week this didn’t work too.
So I finally settled for chemicals (I
always like the natural alternative to treatments better) from soaps, to creams
these didn’t work too. Until Recently….
YOU KNOW that Wheat can be a major source fuelling certain
disorders or diseases like arthritis, Parkinson, diabetes, cancer, stroke,
glaucoma, osteoporosis, anemia,
cancer, canker sores, fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis,
acne and even rashes?
These can
be noticed in people who have allergies or are found to be reactive to gluten
one of the substances found in Wheat or Whole Wheat and their derivative
products. Another interesting thing is that it is known that the immune system
of people who react to this substance have even been known to see the gluten
proteins in the digestive tract as foreign invaders, the immune system not only
on this basis mount an attack against the gluten but in the process also attack
the digestive wall itself there
by leading to leakage of digested food substance directly into to blood stream. It is also a major cause of celiac disease.
While not
all of us can be counted “immuned ones”. In the race to drop blood sugar by consuming
wheat and wheat products these people have only experienced a roller coaster in
their blood sugar levels, whereby having a sharp drop in their body blood sugar
which makes it necessary to take foods with high sugar content to increase the
blood sugar and normalize the situation. In case you don’t know this sharp
changes in sugar levels is dangerous to health.
Like other
addictive substances Wheat can also be addictive! Yes some people have become
hooked to this food. Some people can’t live without eating wheat bread, wheat
cereal, or wheat anything as long as it has wheat in them. They are so hooked
on this food type that they crave it from time to time.
suspicious substance in wheat is Oxalates. Oxalates are naturally occurring in humans,
animals and plants, but too much of this in humans may lead to crystallization
of body fluids which may cause health challenges like kidney stones, gout and
gallstones. Wheat has also been found to enhance allergies like hives, skin
rash, eczema and itching
So if you’re having a craving to
consume wheat bread, cereal or any form of wheat product, or you have noticed
an unabating eczema, itching or skin rash. I think its about time we check our
diet by first stopping our consumption of wheat and its derivative product to
see how we fair health wise without this type of food and then check in with
our doctor to be certain we are not consuming other dangerous substances that
may be the root cause of these problems.
For me armed with this knowledge? Its
time to go experimenting.